Materiell lycka

De är perfekta! Dock har det blivit ett problem med de andra två Mötleygrejerna jag beställt och frågan är om jag inte kommer att avbeställa dem... Är inte så sugen på att krångla till det när jag nu har så mycket att göra.
På tal om Mötley Crüe och så...

Klickade hem lite saker jag sneglat på ett bra tag...
Materiell lycka
Titta vad som hittade hem till mig idag! Behöver nog inte berätta vad jag tänker göra med min fritid den närmaste tiden, haha. Har precis börjat återhämta mig från en kort förkylning och halsont, vad är då bättre än lite tv-spel för att komma tillbaka på banan? ;)

Dessutom fick jag lite nyheter om Nightwishs kommande skiva. Det kommer bli en film! Måste säga att jag tycker det låter hemskt spännande. Klicka här för att läsa om Nightwish's Imaginarium. Ser fram emot att få veta mer om det här.

Dessutom fick jag lite nyheter om Nightwishs kommande skiva. Det kommer bli en film! Måste säga att jag tycker det låter hemskt spännande. Klicka här för att läsa om Nightwish's Imaginarium. Ser fram emot att få veta mer om det här.

Snyggaste bältesspännet jag nånsin sett.
Synd att det ska kosta lite för mycket för att en student som jag ska ha råd med det.
Återfinns hos X-tra-x.
The Moomins
Sometimes I fall into obsessions. As some of my friends might have noticed, this time I'm really into the Moomins. I've acquired most of the TV episodes to watch all over again (and going all nostalgic over my childhood and the awesomeness of this show) and now I've decided to borrow the books from the library.

And now, as I'm sitting here, sipping my tea and passively watching the TV this sunday evening, I read a little about the Moomin Museum in Tampere - Finland. I think I'll go there this spring, both me and Otto have been thinking of visiting Finland now when we're living so close to that cold country.
Anyhow, when I was browsing their website I found this little webshop filled with Moomin goodies...
Anyhow, when I was browsing their website I found this little webshop filled with Moomin goodies...

Isn't this pillow case and notebook cute? Do want! Especially the notebook, it's got that special dark yet cute air to it which is so special about the Moomins.

Cyberdog just released these. Damn! They look so damn comfortable! And the black one would go great with my black fluffy leg warmers... Although I think I like the white one better combined with a black top. Must. resist. ordering.
Horrible weather today, and of course I had a lesson today so I had to get out into the miserable weather with my poor broken umbrella. The welsh lesson was interesting though and I managed to find a new umbrella in town and get rid of the old one. I also stumpled upon this at Åhlens:
I don't think I have to tell you that I bought it? ;)

I don't think I have to tell you that I bought it? ;)
I got the urge to check out Cyberdog's web site this evening. It's been a while now and I thought maybe they'd got something new. And well.. they sure had! Damnit, perhaps I will place an order next month x)

First off - you cannot deny the awesomeness of these!

Argh, do want! But I guess there's no ladies size. Bah. Otherwise this is a great alternative to all those damn Tube t-shirts sold in the souvenir shops...

These are definitely going to be mine >:D
And then we have the not-so-new stuff that I'd love to own...

These. I hate myself for not buying them when I lived in London. :(

The awesomeness of these dresses are beyond me. Definitely need to get myself one.

I saw this shirt in yellow (and pink, I think?) at the Camden store and wondered why the hell they didn't have one in black since I'd love to own one. Seems there actually is a black version (=I'm getting one)

Cyberdog ring. Gimme?

Another shirt I found in Camden but only in Men's size. But they do have it in female size at their web shop. Hurr, hurr, hurr...
Oh and if you're wondering about yesterday's photo shoot with Renee, I can tell you it went splendid! You can actually find a few of them up on my deviantart already, but there a more to come and they'll also end up in the blog so don't worry. :)
Won a very nice Mötley poster at an auction on Tradera. Yay!

Stay metal?

I pimped my laptop... ;)