Forsaken World

Förutom att plugga som en idiot till en kommande tenta är detta vad jag sysslat med de senaste dagarna. Renta kallade det "WoW för den som inte vill betala", och jag kan inte göra annat än att hålla med, haha! Väldigt roligt är det i alla fall - det var länge sen ett MMORPG var så här kul.
Och just det, titta vad jag läste idag. Ni kan ju räkna med att jag vet vad jag ska göra den fjärde juli... ;)
Fallout: New Vegas - Maud's Muggers
När jag satt och spelade Fallout: New Vegas för någon vecka sen må ni tro att jag brast ut i ett gapskratt när nedanstående scenario inträffade:
Referenser till Monty Python's Hell's Grannies uppskattas alltid, haha!
Referenser till Monty Python's Hell's Grannies uppskattas alltid, haha!
Beyond Good and Evil
Today I finally finished the Beyond Good and Evil game! I loveloveloooove it!

You play a woman called Jade, who lives in a lighthouse on the planet Hillys together with her companion Pey'j. War has broken out between the alien creatures The DomZ and the hillyans, and numerous of hillyans has been kidnapped and never seen again. The Alpha Section, basically some guardians of Hillys, are being opposed by an organization called IRIS, who claims that they are working for The DomZ. Jade gets dragged into all of this, armed with her camera and her staff which is called Dai-jo and is very convenient during battles.
This game is just great, it's got all I want. A cool hero(ine), a camera function, puzzles to solve and sneaking around guards and stuff. Lovely! The only thing I can complain about is that it's a bit too short. I played it through in 13 hours in total, which isn't that much.

Random screenshot found on google images. This part was really hard but after numerous of tries I finally made it. Yay!