Iron Maiden's summer tour
Grr... :( I'm going to the Gothenburg show, and of course Alice will appear on the show after that one... Just my luck!

Song of the day #13

Raubtier - Dieseldöden
I love the lyrics of this song. Although you non-swedish speakers won't understand it.
Anyhow, Raubtier is my favourite swedish band and I absolutely love their heavy sound and the aggressive vocals of Hulkoff. I love it, and I hope you do too, haha.
Wacken news
Now the hotel packages for Wacken can be purchased. I and Emil were discussing this earlier today but unfortunately one has to pay the hotel bill in advance - which means we really want to have our hands on the actual festival ticket before we rent a room (well, duh!). And unfortunately we cannot afford to both get our tickets and hotel stay right now (since christmas is coming up...). We'll just have to wait.
However, Wacken announced a start of their christmas calendar! Very exciting since it consists of the announciation of a band/day! Today's band was:

I've never heard of them at all actually, haha. Perhaps I should check them out. But anyway, I really like the idea of a calendar like this one. What will be tomorrow's band...?
However, Wacken announced a start of their christmas calendar! Very exciting since it consists of the announciation of a band/day! Today's band was:

I've never heard of them at all actually, haha. Perhaps I should check them out. But anyway, I really like the idea of a calendar like this one. What will be tomorrow's band...?
Song of the day #12

The Lion King - Snart är det jag som är kung (I just can't wait to be king)
Well, I told you there would be different musical genres, haha! This song equals a pretty large amount of nostalgia to me. The Lion King is probably my favourite Disney movie ever. Oh and yes, it's the swedish version of the song.
Ukon Wacka

Funnily enough I noticed today that Korpiklaani (who just appeared to be the band for today's song) finally announced the release date and name of their upcoming album. The name will be "Ukon Wacka" and the album will be released the 4th of February 2011. Looking forward to that!
Song of the day #11

Korpiklaani - Vodka
A hell of a catchy song! Unfortunately I can't relate to it since I don't drink alcohol, haha. Crazy drunken finns~
If you don't know, Korpiklaani is a finnish folk metal band definitely worth checking out. I guess the music goes very well with winter-y climate (in other words, it's perfect time for it now).
Song of the day #10

Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone (John Williams) - Hedwig's Theme
I'm one of those who've grown up with Harry Potter and the many wonders of his world. The books are some of the best I've ever read and the movies are great. I still haven't come around to watch the newest one though.
This song is one among loads of great ones on the soundtrack. John Williams is a great composer.
To order or not to order...

250 SEK (about 25€) without shipping and customs.
Quite expensive.
Song of the day #9

Monty Python - Lumberjack Song
A classic! I mean, who can't love this song? Monty Python are geniouses. He's a lumberjack and he's okay...!
Song of the day #8
I'm in a very deep Alice Cooper period at the moment. The only thing I've listened to these last days are Cooper songs (except for some Rob Zombie, haha).
So, today's song is a Cooper song because I couldn't be bothered to switch to the other playlist.

The thing with Alice Cooper is that it's not only the music that touches me. I often don't care too much about the lyrics, but when it comes to Alice, it's essential. This song is... wow. But on the other hand I'm quite speechless about a lot of his songs. The lyrics and the feeling put into them... Ah. Now I sound like a crazy fan but this is really how I feel about his music. Just wow. Okay, I'll quit rambling already. Listen to the song!
I giggled.
Starting off this lovely saturday with a good laugh. Tee-hee.

The Last Temptation
Song of the day #7

Great and powerful song from one of my favourite bands. If you haven't heard it yet you definitely should, haha!
By the way, I'm working on a new layout for the blog since an autumn themed layout doesn't seem like the right thing when there's tons of snow outside...
Song of the day #6
Good morning. I've finally found myself an online radio playing Nights with Alice Cooper so that's what I'm listening to right now. Too bad it starts at 6am in my timezone... Oh well, I'll get to listen to half the program at least ;)
Tierra Santa - Rumbo a las estrellas
I actually don't listen much to Tierra Santa nowadays. I mainly started listening to them because I was reading spanish and to improve it I listened to them now and then. This song is quite catchy. Enjoy. :)

I actually don't listen much to Tierra Santa nowadays. I mainly started listening to them because I was reading spanish and to improve it I listened to them now and then. This song is quite catchy. Enjoy. :)
Song of the day #5

Another old classic. Reminds me of summer, and I guess is partly because I got to hear thing song live this summer. Not by G'nR though, but Slash and his band. It was great.
Nights with Alice Cooper

Sometimes I'm a bit jealous of people living in the US. Not often I admit since I'm pretty content with living in Europe. Buuut I'd love to be able to listen to Nights with Alice Cooper.
For those who doesn't know, it's basically a radio show hosted by the man himself airing in the US and unfortunately I have yet to find a way to listen to it. The closest thing I've come across is his podcast, which contains some snippets from the past shows and some are very amusing. I also stumbled upon a hilarious youtube clip located at the bottom of this post which I'd recommend to just about everyone.
00:13-01:23 made me crack up, seriously.
Song of the day #4
Ugh, I overslept today. Not too good. Today is filled with welsh studies, yay...
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
A classic. Basically anyone interested in metal should have heard this one. Not much else to say, haha.

A classic. Basically anyone interested in metal should have heard this one. Not much else to say, haha.
Song of the day #3
Monday again - and time for a lecture later on. I'm actually looking forward to that, haha.

The 69 Eyes - Suspiria Snow White
Mmh, some finnish gothic metal here. I am a fan of Jyrki's voice, it's very deep and.. yeah. Haha. I've quite recently discovered the music of The 69 Eyes and have yet to listen through most of their music. Anyhow, this song is a bit poetic, in my opinion. And beautiful. Yep.

The 69 Eyes - Suspiria Snow White
Mmh, some finnish gothic metal here. I am a fan of Jyrki's voice, it's very deep and.. yeah. Haha. I've quite recently discovered the music of The 69 Eyes and have yet to listen through most of their music. Anyhow, this song is a bit poetic, in my opinion. And beautiful. Yep.
Song of the day #2
Good morning. I hope you all had a great Saturday. I had, at least. ;) Anyhow, time for today's song!

Queen - Don't stop me now
This song is such a spirit raiser. Whenever I need to feel happier, perkier, alert, etc, this is the ideal song. As I'm listening to it now while writing I'm definitely in a good mood. It's almost as if I feel like dancing around and sing, haha.

Queen - Don't stop me now
This song is such a spirit raiser. Whenever I need to feel happier, perkier, alert, etc, this is the ideal song. As I'm listening to it now while writing I'm definitely in a good mood. It's almost as if I feel like dancing around and sing, haha.
Doro + Song of the day #1

However, I got an idea yesterday night (why do I get all ideas when it's time to go to sleep?). This idea is basically "the song of the day". I'll simply open up my main playlist on spotify, put the player on shuffle and press the next song button seven times and there we have it. Sounds like a good idea perhaps? I'll probably add a little picture, a short note about it and then a link to the song. I think this'll be a way for me to update the blog at least once a day. Haha. Be prepared to face lots of different musical genres though...
Okay, so here goes the first one then.
DIO - We Rock
Haha, now this was interesting. As you know I mentioned Dio yesterday in my list list of favourite singers. This song is really powerful and energetic in my opinion and is something I'd listen to when cooking.
We rock!