Nurse Rozetta?
In the meantime, I'll share this little song with you. One of my favourites at the moment, haha. Enjoy.
Alice Cooper - Nurse Rozetta
I'm a shepherd for the pentecost
I got my scriptures and my wires crossed
I got no kids and I got no home
They want us holy men to live alone
Since I've been here for a little stay
I see Rozetta day by day
She turns my head makes me cough
I want to tear my collar off
I just can't sleep at night
Rozetta dressed in white
She's got the Devil's light
Shining in her eyes
Screamed my sermon damning sin and vice
When underneath I was a regular guy
My pulpit melted like a block of ice
When a bolt of lightning hit me from the sky
From my stretcher when they wheeled me in
I stared directly in the eyes of sin
Nurse Rozetta standing over me
And I was helpless as a man of God could be
Nurse Rozetta I won't let her
Catch me peering down her sweater
Fantasizing silk suspenders on her thighs
Nurse Rozetta make me better
Secretly my eyes undress her
Let me feel your tongue depressor
I'm suddenly twice my size
My pants are all wet inside
She's so creative with a bar of soap
And so inventive with a stethoscope
To check my pulse she gotta hold my hand
I blow the fuse on the encephalogram
Satan sent her from the bowels of hell
I should have recognized old Jezbel
I surrendered to the urges felt
She popped the buckle on my bible belt
I just can't sleep at night
Rozetta dressed in white
She's got the Devil's light
Shining in her eyes
I'd lick her nylon seams
Like a hungry cat with cream
Oh what a vivid scene
And I can't hold back no more
Back home... and some good news!

In other words, I'm going to see Alice Cooper and Mötley Crüe... I can't believe it! Jeez, two of my musical favourites, topped with the performance of Iron Maiden. Oh man. I never thought this would actually happen. So... I'm quite looking forward to the weekend... ;)
Let Me Hear You Scream

Let me hear you scream!
I'm black and bruised, beat up but still I take the blows
'Cause all I need is blood and sweat and skin and bones
I'll take this bait, resolve your case, nobody said it's easy
It's do or die, only the strong survive, get ready for the last stand!
Get ready, I'm your hangman!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you gotta, GO DOWN!
Let me hear you! (let me hear you!)
Let me hear you! (let me hear you!)
Let me hear you scream!
I'll pull you up and push you right back in your place
I'll take you down and wipe that smile right off your face
I'll watch you break, you're mine to take, don't blink, you just might miss it!
It's all or nothing, nowhere left to run, are you ready for the last fight?
Get ready with the war cry!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you gotta, GO DOWN!
Let me hear you! (let me hear you!)
Let me hear you! (let me hear you!)
Let me hear you scream!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you gotta, GO DOWN!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you gotta, GO DOWN!
Let me hear you! (let me hear you!)
Let me hear you! (let me hear you!)
Let me hear you scream!
Missing out
If I'm lucky I might just get an interesting phone call soon... :)

Their stage prescence was great and they chose quite a nice bunch of songs to perform with. For example they played "Out of line", "Breakin' the chainz" (haha, there were a bunch of guys in the audience who kept yelling for them to play that one), "In the raw" (one of my absolute favourites), "Generation Wild", "Rebel", "It's a miracle", "Armageddon" etcetc. All in all it was great and I went to bed with a smile on my face. Great way to start the spring!

She was not one of them
She never had a friend
She was the one that got taste
She was not one of them
She always stands alone
Nobody gave her returns
she was always pushed around
she was not one of them
She is in love with the devil, She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain and tears
Fire is falling from the sky, she is burning down her past
She starts a new life, to hell with Jesus Christ
Love with the devil, She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain and tears
Fire is falling from the sky, she is burning down her past
She starts a new life, to hell with Jesus Christ
Her parents died by accident
She never felt in love with someone
Nobody understood her fear
And every night she cried for help
she prayed to God 'cause she was told to
But he never spoke to her
She felt so cold and left alone
But then the fallen angel came
And then the fallen angel came
To heal the pain inside her heart
Her broken heart
she close her eyes and soul
His goodness and the truth
She is not alone
He's always there
She is in love with the devil, She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain and tears
Fire is falling from the sky, she is burning down her past
She starts a new life, to hell with Jesus Christ
Love with the devil, She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain and tears
Fire is falling from the sky, she is burning down her past
She starts a new life, to hell with Jesus Christ
Ah, another Blutengel song. For some reason I love it, I'm not really sure why. It just.. captivates me in a certain way.
Einsam und ängstlich irrst du durch die Nacht,
deine Gedanken drehn sich im Kreis.
Dunkelheit legt sich auf deine Haut,
es führt kein Weg zurück.
Du trägst den Schmerz tief in deiner Seele,
eisige Kälte umklammert dein Herz.
Der Glanz deiner Augen ist längst erloschen,
es ist Zeit für dich zu gehn.
Noch in 1000 Jahren werd ich bei dir sein,
mein Engelsblut verleiht uns die Macht.
Für immer werden wir unsterblich sein,
nur du und ich auf dem Weg durch die Nacht.
Kannst du die Sterne sehn?
Sie leuchten nur für dich.
Spürst du das Feuer in dir?
Du bist jetzt ein Kind der Nacht.
Genieße die Lust und still deine Gier.
Trage dein Schicksal mit Stolz.
Engel der Ewigkeit, es führt kein Weg zurück.
Noch in 1000 Jahren werd ich bei dir sein,
mein Engelsblut verleiht uns die Macht.
Für immer werden wir unsterblich sein,
nur du und ich auf dem Weg durch die Nacht.
Genieße die Lust und still deine Gier.
Trage dein Schicksal mit Stolz.
Engel der Ewigkeit.
Noch in 1000 Jahren werd ich bei dir sein,
mein Engelsblut verleiht uns die Macht.
Für immer werden wir unsterblich sein,
nur du und ich auf dem Weg durch die Nacht.
Nur du und ich auf dem Weg durch die Nacht.
Dr Feelgood
Except for having a movie night with my friends, I also went to a huge shopping centre in town. My aim? To get hold of a pair of shoes to the graduation ball. Aaaand I ended up with a CD in my hands instead. Great job <_<;

The Mark of the Gun
Das Modell
This song has been stuck in my head for days. Not the Kraftwerk version, but the Rammstein cover. I personally think the Rammstein version is a bit better than the original. Probably because I really don't like Kraftwerk and because Rammstein is my favourite band... xD Till's voice totally fits this song.
Sie ist ein Modell und sie sieht gut aus
ich nehm sie heut gerne mit zu mir nach Haus
sie wirkt so kühl an sie kommt niemand ran
doch vor der Kamera da zeigt sie was sie kann
Sie trinkt in Nachtclubs immer Sekt - korrekt
und hat hier schon alle Männer abgecheckt
Im Scheinwerferlicht ihr junges Lächeln strahlt
sie sieht gut aus und Schönheit wird bezahlt
Sie stellt sich zur Schau für das Konsumprodukt
und wird von millionen Augen angeguckt
ihr neues Titelbild ist einfach fabelhaft
ich muss sie wiedersehen ich glaub sie hats geschafft