I got the urge to check out Cyberdog's web site this evening. It's been a while now and I thought maybe they'd got something new. And well.. they sure had! Damnit, perhaps I will place an order next month x)

First off - you cannot deny the awesomeness of these!

Argh, do want! But I guess there's no ladies size. Bah. Otherwise this is a great alternative to all those damn Tube t-shirts sold in the souvenir shops...

These are definitely going to be mine >:D
And then we have the not-so-new stuff that I'd love to own...

These. I hate myself for not buying them when I lived in London. :(

The awesomeness of these dresses are beyond me. Definitely need to get myself one.

I saw this shirt in yellow (and pink, I think?) at the Camden store and wondered why the hell they didn't have one in black since I'd love to own one. Seems there actually is a black version (=I'm getting one)

Cyberdog ring. Gimme?

Another shirt I found in Camden but only in Men's size. But they do have it in female size at their web shop. Hurr, hurr, hurr...
Oh and if you're wondering about yesterday's photo shoot with Renee, I can tell you it went splendid! You can actually find a few of them up on my deviantart already, but there a more to come and they'll also end up in the blog so don't worry. :)