The final result
Tomorrow is the last day to apply for the swedish universities next term. I changed my mind a bit actually and these are the courses I will take instead, haha.. xD
1. Early languages
2. Medieval celtic kings and heroes
3. Welsh II (I realized I want to read it a bit more :))
4. Orientation course in indoeuropean languages
I'm finally satisfied!
Dw i'n mynd i dysgu Cymraeg heddiw. (I'm going to study welsh today) ;D
1. Early languages
2. Medieval celtic kings and heroes
3. Welsh II (I realized I want to read it a bit more :))
4. Orientation course in indoeuropean languages
I'm finally satisfied!
Dw i'n mynd i dysgu Cymraeg heddiw. (I'm going to study welsh today) ;D