There's something special going on in my head at the moment... As I've browsed through my news feed at facebook the last couple of months there's been one particular thing that jumped my mind: everyone is going abroad! Okay... perhaps not everyone. But I do have some friends that have gone to France and America as au-pair's, some people went abroad to study (for example Japan and England) and one's gone off to Tenerife to work. How awesome is that?!
This whole thing put me into thinking a lot about what I'd like to do myself the upcoming years. Well, of course, I do have my studies and everything but I'd like to go somewhere and get some experience. One month in London wasn't enough to satisfy my needs.
At the moment, there are two particular things I've been thinking of.
1. Working in London for a year or so. I really feel the need to go back there, I miss it so much my heart aches a little every time I think of it. The thing is, I don't think I'd like to go by my own... I guess I'll have to ask my friends if anyone is interested in joining me. ;)
2. To go on an awesome trip through Britain. Starting in Wales -> London -> Scotland -> Northern Ireland -> Ireland. This is one of my current dreams, I have to do it! (preferably during summer though, haha.)
I want to travel! Ngh, Sweden is so boring. Blah.
This whole thing put me into thinking a lot about what I'd like to do myself the upcoming years. Well, of course, I do have my studies and everything but I'd like to go somewhere and get some experience. One month in London wasn't enough to satisfy my needs.
At the moment, there are two particular things I've been thinking of.
1. Working in London for a year or so. I really feel the need to go back there, I miss it so much my heart aches a little every time I think of it. The thing is, I don't think I'd like to go by my own... I guess I'll have to ask my friends if anyone is interested in joining me. ;)
2. To go on an awesome trip through Britain. Starting in Wales -> London -> Scotland -> Northern Ireland -> Ireland. This is one of my current dreams, I have to do it! (preferably during summer though, haha.)
I want to travel! Ngh, Sweden is so boring. Blah.
Åhh! JAG VILL SO BAD! Hade LÄTT varit på, men jag är tyvärr fast i Lund till 2013 ;(
Och Britain resan låter så sjukt najs! You have to do it!
Haha, mjo.. Jag lär nog inte bege mig på ett tag, får nog ta min kandidatexamen först xD Och skrapa ihop pengar så man kan komma dit också. Meneeeh, du får gärna hänga på när det väl blir dags, hoho! ;D
Sure does, ska fanimej genomföra den! Kommer nog dröja lite, men. ;/
Frivillig om pengar finns...? :D
Woho! :DDD
Awesome :D Count me in! :D