
...has been productive!
And then, of course, I've been listening to some great music as well. (and got really, really annoyed when I realized it was snowing since I'd been thinking of getting a nice jogging tour this afternoon)
Anyhow, as I was saying, I've listened to music all day. I'm getting a bit stressed about the upcoming project at WeRock: this year's best album-list. I'm supposed to have 10 candidates and rank them from 1 to 10 (obviously), and damn it's hard. So far I've decided on 8 albums out of 10, but I have no friggin' idea on what order I should place them. Okay, the best album of the year is already chosen but the rest is a pain in the ass. There's a lot of difference in genres as well which makes it even harder.
Now off to more studies and perhaps, if the weather decides to be kind, I'll go jogging.