Merry Christmas!
Since we celebrate christmas today (the 24th) in Sweden, I'd like to wish you all a merry christmas.

And last but not least... Some music ;)

Click the image to listen.

And last but not least... Some music ;)

Click the image to listen.
I'm finally home at my parent's place. The trip down here was... interesting. It should've taken six hours but ended up as eleven. Sweden isn't too funny during winter.
Now I've been busy with all the christmas preparations here... As if the cleaning and stuff back at out apartment wasn't enough, haha. ;) I don't know how much I'll be able to blog now during the christmas days. We'll see. Have a merry christmas everyone!
(Oh and I will get back to song of the day, but it will get up now and then when I actually feel like putting the energy and time into it.)
Now I've been busy with all the christmas preparations here... As if the cleaning and stuff back at out apartment wasn't enough, haha. ;) I don't know how much I'll be able to blog now during the christmas days. We'll see. Have a merry christmas everyone!
(Oh and I will get back to song of the day, but it will get up now and then when I actually feel like putting the energy and time into it.)

Goodness, it's been released and I've had time to listen through it. To start off, I think I'll have to explain a thing or two to those of you who don't know me. Moi dix Mois is one of the bands that influenced me a lot when I had just got into the world of metal and such, which I ironically entered through japanese culture and manga. Quite odd one might say? I started off with the extremely theatrical band MALICE MIZER who impressed me greatly, and especially one of the guitarists catched my interest. The man was named Mana and I found him to be very mysterious and appealing since he didn't speak at all in front of fans or cameras. In other words, no one really knew his voice. And on top of that he was a man but didn't really look like one.

Mana during the MIZER days.
I ended up becoming a huge fan. Not only because of his personality and looks, mind you. He was also a great composer and my favourite songs by the band was usually written by him. Anyhow, the band actually had split up when I got to know them, and I eventually found out that Mana nowadays had a solo project going on called Moi dix Mois in which he wrote all the music and basically ruled over it. I gave them a listen and absolutely loved it. I remained a huge Mana fan and MIZER and MDM fan, and suddently, one day a certain europe tour was announced in 2006. It wasn't really much of a tour considering it was only about two concert dates if I'm not mistaken. One in Berlin and one in Paris. I wanted to go so badly, but it was really expensive and I realized I probably wouldn't get the opportunity to go see the band. Still, I mentioned it to my parents, and to my amazement my father actually said he and I could go to the Berlin show. Guess how happy I was? Haha. That evening in Berlin was magical to me, not only was it a great show but it was Mana's birthday. I loved it, and when the band actually had a larger Europe tour the next year with Stockholm as one of the destinations, I went there. Of course. You can actually see a glimpse of me from the bonus videos in the DVD that was filmed during that tour, haha. It was great.
And now it's been 3 years since their last release, and the new album D+Sect is here. Let's say that I have changed a lot during these years and I'm not listening to Moi dix Mois or MALICE MIZER that often, but they're still some of my favourite bands ever and when I put them into my CD player or computer there's constantly a smile on my face. They mean a lot to me.
However, this post is almost becoming a huge essay so I'll try to stop now. This new album is typically Mana styled, haha. I might not appreciate it as much as I used to a few years ago but I still think it's an excellent album and deep inside me the younger me aches for a new Europe tour. And who knows, perhaps they'll come back to Europe soon...? I will most certainly go see them if that's the case. ;)
Oh and I almost forgot to add that I have yet to get my own copy of the album since I asked cdjapan to send it to my parent's address since I didn't know if I would still be here when it was delivered. I'll post more about this later when I'm at home and I will most certainly write a review for Werock about it. If you actually read this whole post I salute you.
Song(s) of the day #27-28

Raubtier - Götterdämmerung
Raubtier - Polarvargen
Two Raubtier songs! First one is an aggressive one and the second is a beautiful ballad. I love both of them, and they definitely show two sides of Raubtier.
Song(s) of the day #25-26
Sorry, missed yesterday but I had so much to do that I didn't have the energy >_<

Dio - Don't Talk to Strangers
Reckless Love - Back to Paradise
Some old school with Dio, and some new glam metal from the finnish band Reckless Love!

Dio - Don't Talk to Strangers
Reckless Love - Back to Paradise
Some old school with Dio, and some new glam metal from the finnish band Reckless Love!
Song of the day #24

Vince Neil - AC/DC
Best song from Mötley's singer Vince Neil's newest solo album. Really catchy and as you might know Vince is one of my favourite singers. Great track!
Song of the day #20, 21, 22 & 23
Gosh, sorry about the lack of updates. I'm busy with the studies but I think I'm beginning to see the light soon. Anyway, of course I have to compensate for not putting of the songs of the day. Here they are, the missing ones.

All are basically old school bands, haha!

All are basically old school bands, haha!
Song of the day #19
Phew - I passed the welsh exam with remarkably well results. This means two exams down, two to go before it's christmas and holidays...

Children of Bodom - You're Better off Dead
Bringing some Children of Bodom today appearantly! It's been a while since I listened to them but I still like this song since it's both aggressive and melodic. Check it out.

Children of Bodom - You're Better off Dead
Bringing some Children of Bodom today appearantly! It's been a while since I listened to them but I still like this song since it's both aggressive and melodic. Check it out.
Song of the day #18

Nightwish - The Islander
A very beautiful song - in my opinion one of the best songs on Nightwish's latest album. Speaking of Nightwish, as far as I know they're back in the studio recording new music... Can't wait!
I'm sorry but I think I have to take a break from the 30 day challenge. These upcoming weeks are going to be really tough when it comes to my studies so I really don't have the energy to write long posts. I'll pick it up again later on. :)
Song of the day #17

Strong and powerful song from one of the best albums released this year, in my opinion.
Day 7: Your crush.
Well. Uh. There's no one at this moment. So not much to say here is there? x)
Song of the day #16

Wednesday 13 - Bad Things
Great song. I'm not really in a writing mood today so just listen yourselves. Perfect when you're annoyed or angry with someone.
Some creativity for you

A quick snapshot of the garden yesterday morning. It's great to watch the snow but not too nice to be outside in it...

I haven't drawn anything seriously for years... But last night (sometime in the middle of the night, haha...) I got inspired and drew this portrait. Whoop.
Day 6: A song that makes you cry.
Oh man, this is hard. I hardly cry just out of hearing a song but there are a few ones that makes me feel very moody and uneasy. Sometimes they make me shed a tear or two.Since I couldn't possible pick just one, here's three for you.
摩天楼オペラ - 風の鳥 (Matenrou Opera - Kaze no Tori)
Nightwish - Ever Dream
Rammstein - Donaukinder
The first one is pretty obvious. It is such a sad tune. Second one a little odd perhaps. It touches a soft spot, I think. And the third one is so beautiful it sometimes causes a tear or two if I'm in that mood.
Edit: Damn this song must be included as well! This is one of few songs that I've actually cried to when hearing it live...
Moi dix Mois - Xanadu
摩天楼オペラ - 風の鳥 (Matenrou Opera - Kaze no Tori)
Nightwish - Ever Dream
Rammstein - Donaukinder
The first one is pretty obvious. It is such a sad tune. Second one a little odd perhaps. It touches a soft spot, I think. And the third one is so beautiful it sometimes causes a tear or two if I'm in that mood.
Edit: Damn this song must be included as well! This is one of few songs that I've actually cried to when hearing it live...
Moi dix Mois - Xanadu
Song of the day #15

Indica - Scissor, Paper, Rock
My favourite song from Indica's newest album. Normally their songs are in finnish, but on this album they've made english versions of their old song. The original of this song is called "Ikuinen Virta" and I think that I after all like their finnish songs better. This one is still good though!
Day 5: A photo of something you really hate.

Feet. Just.. ew. I think I have a foot phobia. xD
Song of the day #14
Finally friday... I've got some killing weeks coming up and on top of that I've got the christmas shopping.. phew.

Mötley Crüe - Looks that Kill
Here's some neat glam metal for you all. Great song by one of my favourite bands!

Mötley Crüe - Looks that Kill
Here's some neat glam metal for you all. Great song by one of my favourite bands!
Iron Maiden's summer tour
Grr... :( I'm going to the Gothenburg show, and of course Alice will appear on the show after that one... Just my luck!

Day 4: About your family.
I don't think there's much to say about my family. I've got a mom, dad and a younger brother living in my hometown. They're a great family and I'd rather not reveal anything else to you since it feels a little too private. Sorry, haha.
But, I can present something else to you. This day's band at Wacken's christmas calendar is:
I was actually a bit disappointed since I first thought it was the glam metal band Warrant but then turned out to be the german speed metal band (who's music I have yet to hear)... ;<
But, I can present something else to you. This day's band at Wacken's christmas calendar is:

I was actually a bit disappointed since I first thought it was the glam metal band Warrant but then turned out to be the german speed metal band (who's music I have yet to hear)... ;<
Song of the day #13

Raubtier - Dieseldöden
I love the lyrics of this song. Although you non-swedish speakers won't understand it.
Anyhow, Raubtier is my favourite swedish band and I absolutely love their heavy sound and the aggressive vocals of Hulkoff. I love it, and I hope you do too, haha.
Wacken news
Now the hotel packages for Wacken can be purchased. I and Emil were discussing this earlier today but unfortunately one has to pay the hotel bill in advance - which means we really want to have our hands on the actual festival ticket before we rent a room (well, duh!). And unfortunately we cannot afford to both get our tickets and hotel stay right now (since christmas is coming up...). We'll just have to wait.
However, Wacken announced a start of their christmas calendar! Very exciting since it consists of the announciation of a band/day! Today's band was:

I've never heard of them at all actually, haha. Perhaps I should check them out. But anyway, I really like the idea of a calendar like this one. What will be tomorrow's band...?
However, Wacken announced a start of their christmas calendar! Very exciting since it consists of the announciation of a band/day! Today's band was:

I've never heard of them at all actually, haha. Perhaps I should check them out. But anyway, I really like the idea of a calendar like this one. What will be tomorrow's band...?
Day 3: About your friends.
I'm not an overly social person but I like to meet new people. It's just that I'm a bit shy so it takes some time for me to get comfortable in a certain person's prescence. I don't really have that many friends. It's more like I have a ton of acquaintances and then a few close friends. And I really, really love my friends, although I'm perhaps not always the best person to show it... ^^;
I'm not going to do any namedropping since there's always someone who gets offended because I didn't mention them and so on. However, my friends are quite down-to-earth people. And then they have like... a million different personalities and musical tastes, haha. But I really appreciate my friends for bearing with me and my weird persona.
I'm not going to do any namedropping since there's always someone who gets offended because I didn't mention them and so on. However, my friends are quite down-to-earth people. And then they have like... a million different personalities and musical tastes, haha. But I really appreciate my friends for bearing with me and my weird persona.
Song of the day #12

The Lion King - Snart är det jag som är kung (I just can't wait to be king)
Well, I told you there would be different musical genres, haha! This song equals a pretty large amount of nostalgia to me. The Lion King is probably my favourite Disney movie ever. Oh and yes, it's the swedish version of the song.