Sunday... phototime!
Yesterday I went to The Photographer's Gallery which is the photographic "museum" of London, so to speak. They have this Sally Mann exhibition right now which I was really interested in seeing! So I went there and I really liked the photos on display. Unfortunately one wasn't allowed to take photos (but of course, I get why xD).

I ended up with this as I left - a brochure about the exhibition and three postcards (one of mr Salvador Dalí, haha!) I also ended up talking a walk down Oxford Street this warm sunday. It was quite nice, but I didn't find anything interesting enough to write about ;D

I ended up with this as I left - a brochure about the exhibition and three postcards (one of mr Salvador Dalí, haha!) I also ended up talking a walk down Oxford Street this warm sunday. It was quite nice, but I didn't find anything interesting enough to write about ;D