This is killing me

I'm still alive, although there's been quite a lack of blog updates...
These weeks are hectic! So much to do!
I mean, just look at this list:

x School (about 6 hours a day, mon-fri) + homeworks etc.
x Work twice a week (=6 hours)
x Driving school (so much theory to study... at least I'm pretty good at driving now, if I may say so.)
x Preparations for the ball (ticket bought, just the clothes left...)
x Preparations for graduation (hat bought, clothes and invitations left)
x Get a new appointment at the dentist's (for some reason my newly repaired tooth kills me ;_;)
x Get an appointment with a doctor to check my tail bone (because it hurts like hell)
x Planning the London trip and booking the flights
x Looking for apartments (I'm probably moving away from home when I start university in autumn)

This list kills me. Well, at least now you know why I don't really have the time to update this blog x_x



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Katsu Jag går under pseudonymen Katsu, är 20 år gammal och kommer från Skåne men bor för närvarande i Uppsala där jag pluggar. Mina intressen involverar bland annat metal (och lite andra musikaliska genrer), fotografi, språk och spel. Detta lär dyka upp här och var i bloggen.
Det bästa sättet att känna igen mig är på min frisyr. Stort och spretigt - och svart, förstås.


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