Busy, busy, busy

I've been very productive this week! Went to work twice, had driving lessons twice, studied theory and bought clothes for the ball! :D
And, of course, my tooth has been repaired, thank god. I've been obsessed with tooth hygiene the last few weeks - I shall never more get a hole!

I've also been searching for apartments with my friend Otto... since we're both going to the same city and university, we'll share an apartment and therefore split the rent (=much cheaper!). But, of course it's not easy. There's a huge shortage of apartments here in Sweden and the queues are huge. I just hope we'll get hold of something before the term starts in the end of august... :/ Something like this would be great!

*sigh* One can always dream?



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Katsu Jag går under pseudonymen Katsu, är 20 år gammal och kommer från Skåne men bor för närvarande i Uppsala där jag pluggar. Mina intressen involverar bland annat metal (och lite andra musikaliska genrer), fotografi, språk och spel. Detta lär dyka upp här och var i bloggen.
Det bästa sättet att känna igen mig är på min frisyr. Stort och spretigt - och svart, förstås.


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