
Yesterday I had my drivers test... you know, the one in which you get to show how good you are at driving. It would probably have gone well, if it weren't for one thing: I got a temperature/fever the day before and thus, I ended up doing the test while being sick. Naturally, it didn't go well - I failed. I know it's not a huge thing since I get other chances (I've booked another time already), but I feel really disappointed and a bit stressed... I really have to have it before I'm off to London - which means I'm screwed if I don't pass the next time. Oh I am so mad at myself for getting sick at such a bad time. I know it's not the end of the world but every time I think of it it makes me feel nauseous. Craaaaaaaap.



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Katsu Jag går under pseudonymen Katsu, är 20 år gammal och kommer från Skåne men bor för närvarande i Uppsala där jag pluggar. Mina intressen involverar bland annat metal (och lite andra musikaliska genrer), fotografi, språk och spel. Detta lär dyka upp här och var i bloggen.
Det bästa sättet att känna igen mig är på min frisyr. Stort och spretigt - och svart, förstås.


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